Author: Faction Files and digital_ruler
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Uploader: Mitzi
[View Profile] File Size: 15.8KB
File Type: zip
Added: 11/21/2010
Downloads: 543
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I made this program for my own personal use, but I'm releasing it as it may help somebody else. Basically it's just a simple thing to easily go through RF's sounds. Just point it at the extracted contents of RF's audio.vpp (or any folder full of .WAVs) and it will list and filter them as you like.
You can edit config.ini yourself to set the path, or if the path is wrong you'll be asked for one when you start it up. You can also edit filtering.ini if you want to edit or add your own sorting categories.
If you need help with this, post on the Faction Files forums. Again, I made this for my own personal use so there are quite likely bugs.
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