Welcome to Metal Gear Faction [Updated]. A stealthy action multiplayer party game for some sneaking fun!
In Metal Gear Faction, the blue team must NEVER be spotted and must stay alive in the arena until the timer is over. Once a blue member is spotted or killed, the game is over for him/her and must wait until the game restarts to play again. The blue team will have a few weapons to help them keep safe. The red team�s objective is to execute all blue team members just by spotting them, all before the end of the game timer. They will have no weapons by any means. The red team will be able to launch an �oxygen restrainer�, which gives the blue team 35 seconds to live unless they destroy the device, while still remaining hidden. Although through time, more restrainers will be available for the red team members to use. When all the blue members are eliminated from the arena, the red team wins. When there is at least one blue member in the arena when the timer ends, the blue team wins the game.
*alternated weapon skins
*More crisp weapon, explosion sound effects
*Weapon camera shakes to add better action effect
*(Blue Team) Silenced weapons that are extremely unfathomable to hear from distance [Pistol and Rifle]. Also has smoke grenades to temporarily screen out a small area from Red-team vision.
* (Red Team) Guard Mode allows instant kills when aimed at enemy for spotting/executing of enemy
***The Metal Gear Faction Map is "pctf-MetalGearFaction5.rfl" (Metal Gear Faction 1.6).
The settings must be:
1---Capture The Flag Mode
2---Highest Possible Time Limit (The actual time limit is implemented in the map)
3---One capture to win
4---Balance Teams
5---No Team Kill
[The rest are default settings]
(WARNING: Late-joiners of the server distort the gameplay. The server MUST BE RESET once ALL players are in the game so the timings sync
with each other.)
Download and install the mod now!
Host some Metal Gear Faction servers on-line and encourage other Red Faction players to get it!
[The Metal Gear Faction map is a modified version of Bart's Virtual Arena 2 by Bartalon]
[Weapon skins and sounds are gathered from other authors as well]