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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Super Mario Bros 3 by SEB93
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Author: SEB93 [Search Author]
Uploader: Wednesday [View Profile]
RFL Name: dm-SuperMarioBros3.rfl
RFL Date: 11/16/2008
File Size: 10.7MB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/01/2014
Downloads: 371 (92 In-Game AutoDL)
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supermario level with very love to detail
dvl_iac · Sun 18 Aug 2024, 3:49 ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
Really cool looking map. All the different areas were really well done with lots of cool details and interactivity. The problem is there is just too many different levels with lots of nooks and crannies for people to hide, so even with a 20-25 person game night server it felt like the server was empty. If each of these worlds were separated into their own stand alone map, I think that would be a great map series.
Mikelice · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 22:00 ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
I totally agree with Ace. The map is too big and it's hard to kill here. Mario theme is a plus.
MysticaL-AceR · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 20:45 ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
I'm gonna give this neutral. Why ? Because it is good and also bad.

The Good: It is extroardinary well built with custom textures and sound effects to keep the Mario World gimmicks intact. Each room is a new world. They're quite big and accessible through pipes. You have alot of places to explore since the entire map is enormous!

The Bad: It was never played frequently cause you're having a hard time trying to find someone to kill once you die. This is not recommended to 1v1 , 2v2 or 3v3. This only works for more than 20 players. So unless you like wandering around alone to explore and not focused on getting frags, i suggest sticking to one room you're comfortable with and waiting patiently for a guy to show up, rather than running around and not finding yourselves at all.

Still good job Seb93.
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