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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Blunder's Villa by BLUNDERBUST
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Author: BLUNDERBUST [Search Author]
Uploader: Oddball [View Profile]
RFL Name: DM-Blundersvilla~.rfl
RFL Date: 10/08/2018
File Size: 4.4MB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/08/2018
Downloads: 932 (698 In-Game AutoDL)
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Relax by the pool, or practice putting. Lifestyles of the rich and famous!
shark5678 · Thu 10 Jan 2019, 17:59 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Blunderbust did a good job on this map. I like the helicopter.

I rated this map a 5/5.

I don't feel like going through the map and analyzing every single aspect of it but I will give a critique of 1 thing I saw: there appears to be a room that is sort of like a garage and the door opens inward. I think it would make more sense for the door to extend outward.
Oddball · Mon 7 Jan 2019, 18:04 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
One of Blunder's best - fun & plays well!B)
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