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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Character Skins :: Ultor Guards Cohesive Red Colour Scheme v1.1 by Intharth
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Author: Intharth [Search Author]
Uploader: Intharth [View Profile]
File Size: 2.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 03/12/2020
Downloads: 109
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Ultors guards are working on mars and blue felt.... out of place for me, so i made them fit their color scheme!! Enviro guards, Riot Guards, Security & Ultor guards will appear in the shown colours.

Note: This does not have the elite guards from Science/Med labs, I do intend to look at them but for now I have not touched them.

Fixed: One of the guards decided he still wanted to wear his earth supplied blue helmet, he has been reprimanded and now wears the red one along with the rest

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