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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Patches/Demos :: Dash Faction 1.5.0 by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: rafalh [View Profile]
File Size: 4.6MB
File Type: exe
Added: 09/05/2020
Downloads: 5508
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This is not the latest version of Dash Faction! Newest version is available here: Installation Guide


Dash Faction is Red Faction game modification designed to fix original game bugs, improve compatibility with modern
hardware and software, extend functionality and improve graphics quality and engine performance.

- levels auto-downloader (uses factionfiles.com just like Pure Faction)
- spectate mode (first person or free camera)
- wide-screen support
- windowed and stretched display mode
- better graphics quality (anti-aliasing, true-color textures, anisotropic filtering, higher scanner view resolution, disabled LOD models and more)
- improved security (enabled Data Execution Prevention, multiple Buffer Overflows fixes)
- removed limit of packfiles
- improved Scoreboard with Kills/Deaths column
- information about killer's weapon in chat
- option to disable level ambient sounds
- ui.vpp cheats prevention
- multiple fixes for high FPS (it is currently limited to 240), especially fix for well-known sub exploding bug
- country-specific edition support (properly handles game directory structure for German and French edition)
- improved game performance
- votes support for dedicated servers
- hit-sounds support for dedicated servers
- other usability and stability fixes

Major changes in version 1.5.0:
- increase object limit from 1024 to 65536 and remove some other limits for levels
- activate static lighting for items and clutters
- enable Set_Liquid_Depth event implementation - check out Geothermal Plant in single player and see what changed
- add DDS texture format support (useful for DXTn compressed textures)
- rewrite crash reporting system UI
- improve sound handling when active sounds pool is full
- allow custom meshes in Switch_Model event
- add 'rf' protocol handler (URLs has format: rf://IP:PORT)
- add setup program which installs Dash Faction and patch Red Faction if needed
- add '/save' and '/load' chat commands and quick save/load controls handling for saving and restoring player position
in multiplayer (useful for runmap servers, can be enabled in dedicated_server.txt)
- add 'Big HUD' option and 'bighud' command for making the HUD larger (uses textures contributed by Goober)
- add 'reticle_scale' command for changing reticle size
- make texts in main menu and in HUD sharp by using TrueType font
- add 'damage_screen_flash' command for toggling damage screen flash effect
- add better support for non-US keyboard layouts
- add support for CTRL+V (paste from clipboard) in dialog boxes
- add option for switching game language (English, German or French)
- add server-side support for late joiners aware triggers (improves Pure Faction compatibility)
- load .tbl files in user_maps (default files cannot be overridden) - allows inclusion of HUD messages in custom maps
- use port 7755 for server hosting when 'Force port' option is disabled
- add UPnP automatic port forwarding when hosting a server
- add 'download_level' command which allows to invoke level auto-downloader manually
- insert server name in window title when hosting dedicated server
- display joining player IP address in dedicated server console
- add dedicated server option for forcing player character
- add support for nearest neighbor texture filtering ('nearest_texture_filtering' command)
- a lot of stability and performance fixes for client and server

See CHANGELOG.md in installation directory for details.
RoMeK · Fri 27 Nov 2020, 7:33 ·
and like this
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
Thank you for everything you do for this community, Rafalh. I am so grateful for you being part of the community and sharing your incredible hard work with everyone. Seriously, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is one of the most important RF files ever made.
BoubouV12 · Wed 9 Sep 2020, 1:27 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
Thanks for this great update, but too bad the iconic THQ logo doesn't launch.

NOTE from admin: If you want to see the THQ/Volition logos when the game launches, you can turn off "Fast Start" in the Dash Faction options (accessible by clicking the "Options" button in the Dash launcher) :)
Goober · Sat 5 Sep 2020, 18:53 ·
and like this
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: Dash Faction 1.5.0
rafalh, you never cease to amaze me. The sheer amount of incredible changes in the Dash Faction v1.5.0 changelog is enormous, and the work you've done is fantastic. Dash Faction v1.5.0 is the best version of Red Faction that has ever existed, and I send you all the thanks that I possibly can for making it.

Whether you're a developer, player, or server operator - and whether you've been playing Red Faction for years or only just heard of it yesterday - you want Dash Faction v1.5.0. Download it, install it, enjoy it. You'll thank yourself later.

5/5 stars, hands-down.
This file can no longer be reviewed, as there is a newer revision.
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
Dash Faction 1.8.0 (newest)09/16/202232718[Download]
Dash Faction 1.8.0 (.zip)01/09/2023489[Download]
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Dash Faction 1.4.112/07/20197042[Download]
Dash Faction 1.2.002/07/2017259[Download]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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