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This is the version of RAD Video Tools that was likely used by Volition to create the .bik (video format) files that are used in Red Faction. You will NEED this version in order to create .bik files that properly play audio in-game. Newer releases do not not use the audio codec present in Red Faction, and thus, files made by those releases will not play audio in-game.
By using this program, you can now create .bik files, the video formats that Red Faction uses for it's cutscenes and trailers. (And they actually play audio!)
NOTICE: .mp4 files are not supported by this version, unlike newer releases. Please make sure your files are in .avi or .mov format before using this program.
SEIZURE WARNING(?): The video player has a tendency to flicker while playing a video on newer operating systems, so consider this a Seizure Warning for those of suffer from certain forms of epilepsy.
What is contained in this release:
-Bink Compressor
-Bink Converter
-Bink Player
-Bink Audio Mixer
-File Analyzer and Info
-Smacker Compressor
-Smacker Video Player
Here is the official site for the tools, complete with help pages on how to use them:
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