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Another file I made for myself but thought I'd share in case it could be useful to others.
This is an edited version of the stock game's clutter.tbl file in which all clutter objects the game lacks assets for (and thus are unusable by designers) have been removed. I've also removed the comments at the start of the file just to keep it clean, and added some helpful notes throughout the file. No stock game content has been changed in any way, and the
only classes that have been removed were unusable anyway.
This file is particularly useful for Total Conversion mod and SP campaign authors. The game has a clutter class limit of 450, and the stock clutter.tbl file contains somewhere around 440. This means designers only have 10 spare slots to use before the game starts ignoring the classes at the end of the file. This "Clean clutter.tbl" file contains only 353 classes, which means designers have 97 slots to work with before ever encountering the limit.
I would
highly encourage any Total Conversion mod or SP campaign author who's adding custom clutter to their project to start with this file rather than the default Volition clutter.tbl file - you'll likely save yourself a ton of grief in the long run.
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