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This pack contains a huge assortment of various Red Faction (1) beta screenshots and concept art gathered from various sources by Medeox and myself.. 382 images total, including many rare images that are very hard to track down.
It's definitely possible there are some duplicates in this pack. Going through so much stuff from so many different sources, it's really difficult to nail down every duplicate (especially when they're at different resolutions and such). I've gone through it a few times and removed the duplicates I noticed, but it's definitely possible I've missed some.
As more of this artwork is dug up in the future, expect more packs such as this one on FF.
4 folders are included in this download:
- RFBetaScreenshots: In-game screenshots from the PC and PS2 versions of the game (and 1 from the N-Gage) at various states of completeness.
- RFConceptArt: Concept art and sketches. Encompasses some objects/characters/environments that were eventually realized in the game along with many that were not.
- RFRenders: A few renders from during the game's development process.
- RFWallpapers: 2 wallpapers at 1280x1024 resolution that were provided by Volition on the official Red Faction site in the run up to the game's release in 2001 as promotional material.
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!
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