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Initial support for viewing RFGs localized strings. Xtbls often use placeholder strings which are replaced at runtime with their localization. This release shows localizations next to placeholders in the xtbl editor.
Nanoforge basics for a guide on how to use Nanoforge and it's features.
Nanoforge xtbl editing for a guide on using Nanoforge to edit xtbls.
Nanoforge texture editing for a guide on using Nanoforge to edit textures.
- This release only supports locales that are supported by the vanilla game and which use the Latin alphabet. The supported languages are Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and partial support for Polish. Polish uses some additional characters which are missing in Nanoforge since it's font only supports Latin characters currently.
- This release doesn't localize any of Nanoforge's UI. It still uses English.
- Added support for viewing RFGs localized strings.
- Added a full list of localized strings accessible via "Tools > Localization > View localized strings" on the main menu bar.
- Localized strings are shown in the xtbl editor next to placeholders.
Nanoforge on Github for a list of changes made by previous releases and see the
readme for more info about Nanoforge.
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