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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Total Conversion :: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod by MysticaL-AceR
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Author: MysticaL-AceR [Search Author]
Uploader: MysticaL-AceR [View Profile]
File Size: 95.6MB
File Type: zip
Added: 12/16/2021
Downloads: 543
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After 3 months and a half of development with delays and learning new SP tricks included, i finally present you...


Requires PC Version of Red Faction 1 to run this mod along with the latest version of Dash Faction patch. This is not a suggestion, it is a REQUIREMENT!

Take wild ride through these 23 remade maps ported from N-Gage Mobile into PC Version like you never had before! Specially created for players who couldn't afford a real N-Gage or they never properly finished it to the end, due to limited and horrific designs/bugs found.

It stays faithful to the original levels and that's what this mod aims to achieve.

Includes also Goober's N-Gage multiplayer map-pack outdated back in 2019. Plus 2 new maps such as the Teaser NG Video based map which replaces the Training level, and a N-Gage Museum replacing the GlassHouse!

More information about this, is stored within =Important Readme= included in this Zip Archive.
Go wild fellow N-Gage Buds!


- In Capek's Lair, there will be two separate ways taking you to the same linear path after avoiding the red lasers with the jeep. If you decide to take the =LEFT SIDE=, be sure to =SAVE= before taking the dangerous jumps with the jeep! I'm serious! It is unpredictable if you survive or not the landing.

- If you find the space ships looking odd to you in docking bay level, i'm sorry as i'm not very good at designing them.

- Masako and Capek bosses have their health increased a bit more for extra challenge.

- The shotgun skin gets recolored to look exactly the same Chrome-painted one in original N-Gage. Client-side skin by HeyItsDuke.

- Every time a new sector of maps begin, a briefing message appears just like in the original port during loading screens.

- No Bomb-defuse sequence. Original N-Gage never had that script placed in the game. It's smooth-sailing!

- Some maps in original N-Gage were way too small. I figured i would at least fuse them into RED Editor. That takes care of some useless loading screens.
greyestfox · Tue 12 Sep 2023, 21:56 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod
The N-Gage Remake mod for Red Faction was extremely fun and interesting. It's been a long time since I watched Goober's playthrough of the original RF for N-Gage on this youtube but I'm pretty sure this is a faithful remake of the level design found in the original. If you're not aware, RF for the N-Gage made a lot of changes in level design as well as how the RF story progresses in places while remaining true to the overall RF story we're familiar with. This mod can be difficult at times but not overly so and based on my faint memories of Goober's playthrough of the original I think it's fair to say it's a easier on standard difficulty than the original N-Gage game was. While the levels and some of the story progression is different, the gameplay is more of the great FPS gameplay found in RF for PC only without two weapons that weren't in RF for N-Gage and some different sound effects for gun shots. There's a lot of "find the button to open the door" gameplay but that only added to the charm of it being reminiscent of the birth of FPS's with Doom and Wolfenstein 3D. After you finish the game, or by going to the Extras menu, you'll find a mini-museum regarding the N-Gage version of RF as well as the map building to remake it. I also recommend you don't skip training. While the training/intro section in this is short it is extremely charming and was great thinking. I highly recommend this mod for any RF player.
Maniac · Fri 14 Apr 2023, 16:45 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod
I watched a few videos of what the N-Gage Red Faction version looked like. I have to admit that a great job was done!

It all starts in the forest where the trailer for the N-Gage version of the game was. It was reproduced in an interesting way. To start the adventure, press the N-Gage console.

We're moving to the mine. You will notice that some locations resemble the original Red Faction. There are similar messages, but I also saw new ones. It's nice that more details have been added as well. The original N-Gage looked a bit empty and the controls looked terrible.

For me this mod is so great!
KatorRed · Sun 5 Jun 2022, 9:03 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod
Than what I say a true Corridor shooter. Have strong feeling that I play in Doom on Geo-Mod engine. Think it is the feeling of Good work here.
PS. Pixeled briefing message is just perfect. Don't have N-Gage but it reminds me of Quake :)
Goober · Fri 17 Dec 2021, 17:32 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod
Fantastic work AceR, this remake is perfect. You've managed to stay true to the flow of the original N-Gage game while enhancing areas along the way, and you've pulled it off wonderfully. I'll draw particular attention to the two stealth sections - in my view, your stealth sections are more enjoyable than the corresponding areas in the normal PC game by a lot.

I see this campaign being played long into the future, and I can't wait to see what single player projects you work on next! Great work. :v
Vel · Fri 17 Dec 2021, 11:27 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: [SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod
Great work! I guess I can now say I have pretty much played the N-Gage version :P I loved how well put together it felt and it holds itself well as its own experience. Thank you for making this, I was really happy to give it a play through! :D
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
[SP/MP] N-Gage Remake Ultimate Edition (newest)12/01/202469[Download] [Install]
[SP/MP] Red Faction N-Gage Remake Mod (you are here)12/16/2021543[Download]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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