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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Software - Tools :: Dash Faction 1.8.0 (.zip) by rafalh
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Author: rafalh [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 3.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 01/09/2023
Downloads: 489
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NOTE: This is a .zip download for Dash Faction 1.8.0, not an installer. Unless you have a specific reason to perform a manual install, you should use the automated Dash 1.8.0 installer instead.

Dash Faction is a Red Faction game modification designed to fix original game bugs, improve compatibility with modern
hardware and software, extend functionality, and improve graphical quality and engine performance.

- Multiplayer level auto-downloader
- Spectate mode (first person or free camera)
- Widescreen support
- Windowed and borderless display modes
- Autosaving support for singleplayer
- Better graphical quality (anti-aliasing, higher texture color depth, anisotropic filtering, higher scanner view and mirror resolutions, LOD model improvements and more)
- Improved security (enabled Data Execution Prevention, multiple buffer overflow fixes)
- Multiple game limits raised/removed
- Improved scoreboard with Kills/Deaths column
- Information about killer's weapon displayed in chat
- Option to disable level ambient sounds
- Anti-cheat
- Multiple fixes for high FPS (currently limited to 240), especially the infamous exploding submarine bug
- Country-specific edition support (properly handles game directory structure for German and French editions)
- Improved game performance
- Voting support for dedicated servers
- Hit-sound support for dedicated servers
- Other usability and stability enhancements

Changes in version 1.8.0:
- Autosave after a level transition in singleplayer
- Fixed opacity of images rendered using Display_Fullscreen_Image event
- Fixed blurry fonts in the launcher on HiDPI monitors
- Editor window is now resizeable
- Option to disable beep sound when new player joins multiplayer game and window is not focused
- Many bug fixes, optimizations and other small improvements (see CHANGELOG.md in installation directory for a detailed list)
This file can no longer be reviewed, as there is a newer revision.
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
Dash Faction 1.8.0 (newest)09/16/202232720[Download]
Dash Faction 1.8.0 (.zip) (you are here)01/09/2023489[Download]
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Dash Faction 1.005/19/202267[Download]
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Dash Faction 1.6.102/20/20215772[Download]
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Dash Faction 1.5.009/05/20205508[Download]
Dash Faction 1.4.112/07/20197042[Download]
Dash Faction 1.2.002/07/2017259[Download]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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