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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: The Vally by Quirino2000
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Author: Quirino2000 [Search Author]
Uploader: Legacy Uploads [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctf_Vally.rfl
RFL Date: 11/12/2001
File Size: 235KB
File Type: zip
Added: 04/01/2011
Downloads: 3 (0 In-Game AutoDL)
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The following description was auto-imported from a text file included with the map:

Title : The Vally
Version : hmm.. eh. 1.0
Release Date : 11/12/01
Filename : ctf_Vally.ZIP
Author(s) : William Hart
Email Address : RedFaction_Mapper@hotmail.com
--- Play Information ---
Game : RedFaction
Level Name : The Vally
Single Player : None
DeathMatch : 2-> 16 or more.
Cooperative : None
Capture The Flag : yes
Difficulty Settings : Few Jump Traps
New Sounds : None
New Graphics : None
Known Bugs : No Bugs!
--- Construction ---
Editor(s) used : RED
Base : None
Construction Time : 3 days plus some more.

Unzip the .vpp file (ctf_vally.vpp) into your user_maps\multi directory.

Author Info
Email Address : quirino@ignmail.com
url : www.nav.to/q2k not a game site

Additional Help
Hal9k For testing the map

Map info
This is my first map ever created for a game :)
The map has to bases and two towers facing each other good for sniper action. And some "Jump Traps" her and there.(To really have some fun, use the fall damage) . There's also a hidden place with the cannon there.
The level can be geo-moded too.

Copyright / Permissions
This map is not to be changed in anyway unless written permission from me (but feel free to use ideas found therein). But is free for distribution on any server or website.

Authors may not NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This map may NOT be modified in any way without the author's express, written permission.

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission!

Version notes
Original Version no changes made.

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