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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Map Packs :: RF Game Night 134 Map Pack by Various
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Author: Various [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 300.4MB
File Type: zip
Added: 05/24/2024
Downloads: 12
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Map pack for Red Faction Game Night 134 (DM)

For more information and to participate in Red Faction Game Night events, join the Red Faction community on Discord: [FactionFiles Discord]

This game night event featured the following maps, of which all customs are included in this pack:
High Voltage by w.r.e.c.k.s.
Delusions Beta 4 by kerpal
DM - Recycled (Beta 1) by Chris "Goober" Parsons
Swimming Park 2 by Cyrus
Thunderstruck (Beta2) by kerpal
Sacrifical Rail Arena by Your Parents
Duel Nexus b1 by Romek
Edification (Beta 1) by Chris "Goober" Parsons
Duck's Drive By by Steve 'SKA-Diesel' Cameron
RAIL Way Station by Sir Lots-A-Pot.
Warehouse War by Matthew Arsenault
Complex (Reloaded) by Matthew Arsenault
Drop Shot V1.2 by Spikeyuk
Liminal Pool (Fixed) by Phasmomancer

We hope you enjoy Game Night! After you play them, try to remember to stop back and leave reviews for the maps listed above. Your feedback could be really valuable to the featured creators!

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