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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Developer Resources :: Corpse Asset Pack by Intharth
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Author: Intharth [Search Author]
Uploader: Intharth [View Profile]
File Size: 10.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 07/09/2024
Downloads: 8
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This file includes various custom death poses for a number of the characters in the game.

Note this is not something you can select as an animation - these are clutter meshes that you can use with Switch_Model for MP and also these can be used in SP as clutter objects aswell.

So yeah, custom death poses for several characters, done using mixamo and blender, and one custom self made one just to add something more unique to the pack <3

All 19 object v3ms.
All 19 object GLTFts (for viewing in blender as well as allowing you to maybe edit the model or swap the textures etc)
A test/preview to view the posed corpses in game

Stay Creative! <3

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