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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Artwork :: Unknown N-Gage Places + Others (Demo Screenshots) by Mikelice
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Author: Mikelice [Search Author]
Uploader: Mikelice [View Profile]
File Size: 19.8MB
File Type: zip
Added: 07/12/2024
Downloads: 12
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UNP stands for Unknown N-Gage Places. This was the original name of the add-on I was creating for MysticaL-AceR in 2021. As you know, John Romero, when making Red Faction N-Gage, took some promotional photos that were never in the game. I started playing in their recreation in 2021. That's why MysticaL-AceR gave me a job to make DLC for his mod.

I was feeling sentimental recently and looked into my Discord history to see those old photos from the early days again. It was nice to see them again! I downloaded all of them and marked them with the date (MM.DD.YYYY format). Now you can see what the beginnings were like.

I created 3 folders:
- The first one contains UNP photos from 2021. Initially, I was supposed to do 16 levels, but I had a problem because I wasn't that experienced yet. I remember that I completed 12 levels and then abandoned the project because I was very bored with it.
- The second one contains photos of N-Gage Promo 2.0 from 2023. This version was really more beautiful than 1.0, but I quickly lost interest.
- The third one has photos from 2021 related to N-Gage, but these are photos before I started making UNP DLC.

You could say that I made Promo Promo photos. :)

I'm uploading it here for archiving purposes.

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