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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Total Conversion :: [SP] RF Unused Voicelines Readded (UNFINISHED) by Thecamafllasher
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Author: Thecamafllasher [Search Author]
Uploader: Thecamaflasher [View Profile]
File Size: 21MB
File Type: zip
Added: 07/21/2024
Downloads: 10
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I am deciding to upload this mod as I never got around to finishing it but I wanted to showcase what I had done, and maybe eventually I will continue it, but for now here's some things (that I remember) adding.

Most levels from the levels1.vpp pack have had unused messages added in, from L1S1 - L6S2, L6S3 was only partially done.

These voicelines include ones from hendrix, eos, and other ones from miners and guards that you never hear. These sounds were in the files for red faction but never used, which is why I wanted to add them in to show what it would've been like if they were added.

Nearly every level has new voicelines, and a couple of them include new additions to fit in for the voicelines being added, including new models added such as miners/guards or other objects, a new room in L6S1, and of course all the new triggers for the voicelines.

I cant remember every exact change I did to each level as I did this a while ago but some things I do remember is that theres a Miner in L1S1 that you can befriend if you save him, and will then follow you and kill guards with you. In L2S3 theres a new sequence leading up to the elevator with 2 other miners, In L6S1 there is the new camera room, and also a new functionality where you must kill one of the people there to gain their keycard to open the elevator door, similar to how it works in the medical lab. That is all the notable things I can remember but every level has new changes so its worth looking around to see the new triggers. There may be slight bugs but I did go through the levels very thoroughly so hopefully there isnt many.

Anyone is free to continue this mod if they want :) I just wanted to upload this because why not


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