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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Europa One Outpost V1.1 by {DVL} I.A.C
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Author: {DVL} I.A.C [Search Author]
Uploader: dvl_iac [View Profile]
RFL Name: DM_EuropaOneOutpost1-1.rfl
File Size: 53.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/01/2024
Downloads: 29 (17 In-Game AutoDL)
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This is a map of an old, somewhat run-down, small Communication outpost on Jupiter’s Moon, Europa.

Changes for Version 1.1:
- Decided to remove Geo due to big performance drops during rocket fights on a full server.
- Added 1 little geo secret, this is now the only geo spot in the map.
- Added 1 more tunnel to the ocean below.
- When you pick up one of the goodies from deep in the ocean you will be teleported back to the surface, so you don't have to try to find your way back.
- Added Bubble emitters around the goodies/teleporters in the ocean to make them easier to spot.
- Added some big ice boulders around and old geyser remnants, to give you more cover when you’re out in the open.
- Added Periodic giant geysers that shoot out of the tunnels to the ocean. If you jump in the spray you will be shot up to a hidden fusion.
- 10% less gravity.
- Redid the giant terrain in a more optimized way that allowed for a little more detail with a little less faces.
- Removed the giant rock walls surrounding the giant terrain since they looked weird when cut off with RF's limited render distance. You can fall of the map now though if you jump off the edge.
- Redid the lighting on the giant terrain to match with the sky better and look a little more dramatic.
- Less pause time on the airlock doors so you can get in and out of the outposts quicker.
- Higher resolution terrain and icy water textures.
- Redid the skybox with the actual texture used on the terrain in the map, so it blends even better. Also moved the camera position a bit in the sky and a few other tweaks. Then rendered it out in a higher resolution.
- Added more stuff to the screen graphics.
- Fixed particle collision for sinks and fridge.
- Tweaked the overall ambience colour and brightness.
- Many other tweaks.

A couple gameplay elements to note:
- Inside each base you will find an "Emergency Meeting" button. Press this to bring everyone in the map to your location for a mini battle royale. The buttons can only be used once every 2 min.
- In the bigger of the 2 bases, the button next to the teleporter room will let you choose whether the teleporter sends you to the other base or sends you to a completely different section of Europa, with a massive terrain to explore. This is more just an extra easter egg I decided to add for explorers, rather than a core gameplay area of the map.
- There are some hidden weapon caches around the 4 corners of the massive terrain, to reward you for your exploration efforts, if you can find them.
- Below the main map is an ocean to explore. There are 3 premade tunnels to get down into it. Again there is a hidden weapon cache in the furthest depths of the ocean to reward your exploration effort.

Includes a bonus version of the map, a version with the actual gravity of Europa punched into the gravity event and emitters. Europa only has 13% the gravity of earth but for the main map I just set it to around 40% of earth gravity, because I thought it might be annoying having to wait almost 8 sec to hit the ground when you jump haha. But if you want to Explore Europa in RF's interpretation of its actual gravity, play the map called "Europa One Outpost 1.1 AG" (DM_EuropaOneOutpost1-1AG).

This map requires Dash Faction to run (https://dashfaction.com)


- RF's Default render distance is around 300 or so. I cranked it to 500 but this has the side effect of the back of some weapons start to dissappear in the first person view. If I could I'd crank it to 1000 so you could see all the way across the massive terrain, but at that render distance most of the first person weapon model dissappears. :P
- RF bugs out when you have fog and a skybox and instead of doing a solid fog colour at the end of the render distance it just stops rendering and reveals the sky. So looks a little weird on the massive terrain.
- If you have your music volume setting turned all the way down before loading the map, none of the music will play, even if you turn the setting back up after loading the map. It needs to have some volume prior to loading for the music to work.
- Sometimes the teleporters won't play their sounds on the other side.
- The geysers should stay in sync with the server and everyone in it up to 29 min, after that they will stop firing. If you join the server after any of the geysers have already fired off, the last one that fired off, will fire off as soon as you join the server and only on your screen. If you happen to join after a geysers has fired off but right before another one fires off, you will have 2 going at the same time, which could cause some big FPS drops temporarily until the particles vanish.
Goober · Sun 4 Aug 2024, 12:12 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Breathtakingly beautiful, and definitely one of the most artistically impressive maps this game has ever seen. Gameplay is super fun too, with both close combat and long-range sniping absolutely viable as strategies. The BR switch is also quite an experience for certain... especially the first time it happens to you :P Voice chat is highly recommended for that.

A great map all around. If it has a downside, it's simply that it needs so many players in order to truly shine.

Fantastic work here as always, IAC! You're a true all star with the editor, and its tough to find a better showcase of your skill and attention to detail than this one.
Mikelice · Sun 4 Aug 2024, 12:05 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Very sexy map! Pure beauty! There are many things to explore here. :-$
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