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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: Blasted Egypt v5 by Haze202
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Author: Haze202 [Search Author]
Uploader: Haze202 [View Profile]
RFL Name: ctf-bcev5.rfl
File Size: 6.3MB
File Type: rar
Added: 08/03/2024
Downloads: 22 (17 In-Game AutoDL)
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Inspired by ctf02, gorge (beatonator), blasted canyon

some assets by romek
cheaterjer · Tue 27 Aug 2024, 23:34 ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
Not as good as gorge mini. And, quasi racist to mixed Aztec decor in an 'Egypt' map. Tbh, it could use murals of Tom Cruise and Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Would probably be better without the tunnels and poopoo gun lay out. Otherwise, great map.
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