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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: CP crazy DM (Remake) by Mikelice
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Author: Mikelice [Search Author]
Uploader: Mikelice [View Profile]
RFL Name: dm-CP_crazy_DMR.rfl
File Size: 2.5MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/05/2024
Downloads: 34 (23 In-Game AutoDL)
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A smooth remake of CP crazy DM. The original map was created in March 2003 by Goober and was the first map he created. That map was very awful and even Goober hates it. I decided to make a smooth remake.

I think this is what Goober had in mind when he created his first map, but he had no editor skills at the time.

I really did a great job with this remake so that it would play well in public and on Game Night. Although this map only has 4 multiplayer respawn points, it is small after all. There may be more people playing on it, but it will be some pretty good action.
dvl_iac · Sun 18 Aug 2024, 3:24 (edited Sun 18 Aug 2024, 3:25) ·
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This is indeed a Crazy DM map haha. The textures, lighting, brushwork all look really nice and gameplay is super fast. My only critique is I think it needs a lot more spawn points to help prevent people from just standing at one with the baton and spawn killing everyone. :P Having the classic Crazy DM textures like the Osama poster and stuff in frames on the walls would have been fun. :lolpup:
MysticaL-AceR · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 20:40 ·
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A remake from a crazy original dm map. After today's gamenight, this map was played like wild fire! Especially since this map has only 4 spawns, with over 10-20 players it was just madness to witness. From spawnkills to killing sprees lmao. It's a cute little map and very well textured. :lolpup:
Goober · Mon 5 Aug 2024, 14:18 (edited Mon 5 Aug 2024, 14:24) ·
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Holy shit.

I think now I understand how musicians feel after Weird Al makes a parody that's a million times better than their original.
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