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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: LuckyVariforms (v2) by kerpal
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Author: kerpal [Search Author]
Uploader: kerpal [View Profile]
RFL Name: DM-LuckyVariforms2.rfl
File Size: 19.8MB
File Type: rar
Added: 08/07/2024
Downloads: 19 (13 In-Game AutoDL)
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This is a heavily modified version of the map I made for the Lucky Frag server back in 2009. I've included lower gravity and I spaced out the platforms a bit since I felt the original was a bit too claustrophobic. There's also brand new textures, skybox, and a different soundtrack.
The music is a really spacey synth track called Immanence by Oneohtrix Point Never. I think it really matches the trippy psychedelic vibe of the map.
I'm not too confident everything is perfect with this so I may upload another version.
MysticaL-AceR · Sun 18 Aug 2024, 16:03 ·
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This can play out well if it was a Rail-Only map. The lower gravity when you jump makes you easily exposed to gunfire in mid air, so it requires long range weapons to deal with players. The skybox is gorgeous indeed and also trippy at least for me. Keep it up kerpal!
dvl_iac · Sun 18 Aug 2024, 3:42 ·
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Neat map. Has a cool look to it and the low gravity via jump pads instead of event makes for a unique experience! The music fits well but could definitely use some more Hz if you do an update. :P Was fun to play although could maybe use some more weapons near the spawn points. Found myself stuck with a pistol a lot or a very difficult to aim rocket launcher. :lolpup:
Mikelice · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 21:57 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
I like this map. It's fun to frag with the Sniper Rifle and Rail Driver. Oh and the skybox is gorgeous! :-$
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