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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Capture the Flag :: Fire and Ice by Mr LSD
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Author: Mr LSD [Search Author]
Uploader: MrLSD [View Profile]
RFL Name: CTF_Fire_And_Ice.rfl
File Size: 1.6MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/09/2024
Downloads: 10 (4 In-Game AutoDL)
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Fire and Ice is set inside a under ground canyon with lots of secrets to uncover use your rocket launchers for a super fun experience and to make shortcuts all over the place get reedy for some fun! best played with CTF 6on6
MrLSD · Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:41 ·
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lol yes it is a big one i think if i could change one thing i would go back and add jump pads that push you up the long walk ways and make it more fast paste I'm having problems with my map editor i downloaded from steam and the editor just crashes on me so soon as i figure that out ill be fixing some of my old maps and making some DM maps because i never made any DM back in the day. i have some great ideas for DM. i appreciate your review and the unnasty..
Mikelice · Fri 9 Aug 2024, 14:23 ·
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It's great that you found some more maps of yours.

Fire and Ice has a nice theme. I like the "two-pass" style. As usual, there are secrets. Oh, and of course there are vines, vines and vines! :P

My only complaint is that the map is too big. }:(
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