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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: {DVL} Drug-House Fixed by {DVL} Jason_x
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Author: {DVL} Jason_x [Search Author]
Uploader: dvl_iac [View Profile]
RFL Name: DM_DrugHouseFixed.rflCopy RFL Name
RFL Date: 08/09/2024
RFL Version: 200
File Size: 9.1MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/09/2024
Downloads: 36 (19 In-Game AutoDL)
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A smallish house in the woods, ready for fragging.

Since this old 2004 map of Jason X's I uploaded a few months ago seems to be getting some play, I decided to fix some issues with the map.

- Raised the top of the map, since the jump pads were sending you out of the map for a second preventing you from shooting.
- Fixed the seams in the skybox.
- Made the ground shallow geo, so you're not getting stuck in geo holes.
- Added night ambient sounds around the map.
- Added some more trees and made them solid, so they can be used for some cover.
- Fixed some clutter/brushes/textures.
- Adjusted some lights.
- Set models to be a little brighter, to make players and items a little easier to see. It's a dark map so full bright looked weird but no bright was a little too dark.
- Added a touch of fog for some more atmosphere.
- Original had 53 respawn points. RF only supports 32, so the respawn points on a big chunk of the map were being ignored. So removed all the close together respawn points so there is now more variety.
- Removed some portals that weren't doing anything except causing the odd glitch.
- Made the outside of the map invisible texture instead of show sky, so you can't fall off the map.
- Replace the window panes with face brushes so they now shatter instead of just disappear when shot.
- Fixed some typos in the door sound effects, so they all work now.
- Added a few cutscene cameras for start/end screens.
- Converted the textures to .DDS and removed some textures that were only applied to unseen faces, to make up for some of the extra file size the custom ambient sounds added.

This map requires Dash Faction to run ( https://www.dashfaction.com )
Mikelice · Fri 9 Aug 2024, 15:15 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
⚠️ This review was written for an older revision of the file. The comments may not apply to the newest version. Reviewed as: {DVL} Drug-House Fixed
It's nice to see fixes for old maps, like the one from 20 years ago.

I've played this map before. The whole house is huge and its interiors look pretty cool. It's good that I.A.C raised the top of the map, because it was annoying that you couldn't shoot. That was the main issue. The rest of the fixes are minor, but I think they improve a lot. :)
This file can no longer be reviewed, as there is a newer revision.
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
{DVL} Drug-House Fixed V2 (newest)08/17/202438[Download] [Install]
{DVL} Drug-House Fixed (you are here)08/09/202436[Download] [Install]
{DVL} Drug-House03/26/202473[Download] [Install]

(Old revisions are provided for historical reference purposes. They may be incomplete, or have bugs or other issues.)

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