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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: SoE Power Station (Beta 1) by Chris "Goober" Parsons
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Author: Chris "Goober" Parsons [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmsoepowerb1.rfl
File Size: 1.2MB
File Type: zip
Added: 08/16/2024
Downloads: 105 (93 In-Game AutoDL)
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SoE Power Station is a port of the map Power Station (dm2) from the game Soldier of the Empire by Fragmaker.
HeyItsDuke · Sun 25 Aug 2024, 8:56 ·
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the soldier is very empire
dvl_iac · Sun 18 Aug 2024, 3:35 ·
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I was surprised how well this turned out. Probably looks better in RF then the original game. Plays really well too. Good job with the port!
Mikelice · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 21:40 ·
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Yes, HeyItsDuke found an interesting game. Russians made a game on the Quake 2 engine. In some places that game used RF textures. Just funny! :lolpup:

Anyway, cool port.
MysticaL-AceR · Sat 17 Aug 2024, 20:54 ·
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Despite its simple layout and texturing, made by russians, it played quite well still in a regular match. I can only presume this is the very first map being ported out of an abandonware game that used stolen RF assets, i can hardly imagine anyone ever played it, if it wasn't for Duke's discovery. Well done on porting it into RF, Goob.
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