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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - HUD/UI :: Final Bomb - Arrow Recolors [FIXED] by nrda_krzys
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Author: nrda_krzys [Search Author]
Uploader: nrda_krzys [View Profile]
File Size: 791.4KB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/13/2024
Downloads: 3
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This is a fixed version.

What was wrong with the previous one:
Both bright and dull files for the left arrow had a wrong tone of blue color (which was also inconsistent with the attached screenshot).

It's a simple recolor of the final bomb puzzle. This changes the arrow colors, so the puzzle may become easier for some players (like me for example!)

How to install:
1. Open Dash Faction > Options > Make sure the 'Allow overriding game files packages in user_maps' option is checked
2. Extract the VPP File to Red Faction > user_maps > single
3. Done!
MrLSD · Wed 11 Sep 2024, 19:13 (edited Fri 13 Sep 2024, 14:25) ·
likes this
Those Arrows are just what I need for my CTF map version of Fun House will Those show up as a Deckle ? This is cool by the way love it!
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