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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Map Packs :: RF Game Night 142 Map Pack by Various
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Author: Various [Search Author]
Uploader: Goober [View Profile]
File Size: 172.3MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/14/2024
Downloads: 7
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Celebrating 5 Years of RF Game Night! (and 13 years of FactionFiles!)

Map pack for Red Faction Game Night 142 (DM)

For more information and to participate in Red Faction Game Night events, join the Red Faction community on Discord: [FactionFiles Discord]

This game night event showcased a stock map, and a map from each year of Red Faction's history! Here's the list:
Stock: S.R.O. (Demo) by Mark Lewis (Earliest playable map ever released)
2001: 2 Houses by Daedalus (Earliest playable custom map ever released)
2002: Edge Mountian by Matt "Razor" Jones
2003: SWA Madcat Oil Corp by Madcat
2004: Miners Death by Dirk Diggler & Roller Girl
2005: Footbridge by OScar
2006: Overdrive by RF Grim Reaper
2007: Concen3 by Hapa Hanu
2008: South Wing by kieran@dopedesign.com
2009: JabbasSail by Unknown
2010: Dark Space Mayhem City by SeeLkaDooM
2011: Cave by Lo_Pan
2012: Sky Tops by Ric
2013: Chaos Canyon by Brandon "Lord" Bail
2014: The Four Seasons by MGMan
2015: Stone Halls by Vanilla
2016: Blundertrains by Blunderbust
2017: NC Strip Mall by NoClanFrank
2018: Foundation by Chris "Goober" Parsons
2019: Trial Blaster by Andrew "!! BATEMAN !!" Bateman
2020: 4 Towers v3 by LoneWolf
2021: Snowflake Strike by Brayden
2022: Lawnmower by SeriouSG
2023: RF Game Night Museum by Chris "Goober" Parsons
2024: Hellas Defunct v1 by kbhau

We hope you enjoy our 5th anniversary Game Night! After you play them, try to remember to stop back and leave reviews for the maps listed above. Your feedback could be really valuable to the featured creators!

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