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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Developer Resources :: Colorful Bomb Arrows - Decals by nrda_krzys
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Author: nrda_krzys [Search Author]
Uploader: nrda_krzys [View Profile]
File Size: 81.8KB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/14/2024
Downloads: 3
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Colorful Arrows from my 'Final Bomb - Arrow Recolors' pack, can now be used as decals (and won't get stretched). Arrows have a transparent background and hole.

This pack was inspired by one and only MrLSD
MrLSD · Sun 15 Sep 2024, 16:16 ·
and like this
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Omg yes i just downloaded it and there going into my last map Fun Factory when i make it a CTF map soon!! Thanks my friend I'm all about the neon texters.....:124:
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