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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Mods - Misc Clientside Mods :: 9h0st's reticle sets by space9h0st
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Author: space9h0st [Search Author]
Uploader: space9h0st [View Profile]
File Size: 2.7MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/14/2024
Downloads: 6
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I've had a few requests to upload my reticle set on FF, so here they are. I have 3 different vpp files, all containing the same sniper and rocket reticle. the sniper reticle is teal and the rocket reticle is a red version of the stock rocket reticle with a cross style bullseye in the middle. The general weapons reticle vary based on the vpp file, with options of green, yellow, and white. It is a simple dot with a bold black outline. Enjoy!
Mikelice · Sun 15 Sep 2024, 18:20 ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
space9h0st did a great job with these reticles. I had early access to them. Now they're available in other colors!

I used MKRV for a while, but recently I've been using these. They work great for allowing me to frag. They are very precise.

If you want good aim, I highly recommend downloading them! B)

Commands I recommend you type after downloading these reticles:
- reticle_scale 0.5
- ms 0.09 / ms 0.08
liq · Sun 15 Sep 2024, 9:04 ·
and like this
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
top VPP for PvP !
it packs a punch [that was a pun]
optimised for crucial reticle_scale values like 0.49-0.51 , great outlines , color selection out of RAL palette is superb.
Ive been ordering stuff from SG for years. 11/10 would download it again.
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