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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Single Player :: Duke's Very First RF Map Ever by HeyItsDuke
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Author: HeyItsDuke [Search Author]
Uploader: HeyItsDuke [View Profile]
RFL Name: dukeabom1.rfl
File Size: 19.5MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/18/2024
Downloads: 10
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This is my very first map ever made as a test, made in 2021 and never before playable, now gracing this website with its opulent presence!

To play this map, simply enter "level dukeabom1" into the console without the quotes.

nrda_krzys · Wed 18 Sep 2024, 12:15 ·
and like this
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this is clearly one of Red Faction's maps
nick · Wed 18 Sep 2024, 11:48 ·
and like this
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didn't work for me because music slider is 0/100 gg
Mikelice · Wed 18 Sep 2024, 11:09 ·
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See? There's something special about 2021.

Of course I've seen this map on a YouTube video. You're a special bean, indeed. :)
HeyItsDuke · Wed 18 Sep 2024, 8:00 ·
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gwaphicks deesine
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