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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: PRINCE oF DARKNESS by Mr LSD
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Author: Mr LSD [Search Author]
Uploader: MrLSD [View Profile]
File Size: 4.1MB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/25/2024
Downloads: 35 (25 In-Game AutoDL)
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this map is inspired buy the 80s move Prince of Darkness. You fined yourself high up in an abandoned warehouse teetering in the sky above mars something Evel happened here a cult took it over and sacrificed virgins' to the Dark Prince and now your stuck inside to see the gruesome after math of this once cult filled warehouse enjoy!!!!

Texters Shout outs>>>>> Go to Vel for the new barn hay Deckle he made me and MysticaL-AceR for some of the stanned glass texters he had made.
Story bored Shout out>>>>> Go to ED BUNGHOLE for the idea to make it based of the move Prince of Darkness!
Shout outs>>>>> Go to the Rf and FF mapping community for all the help along the way such a grate group of ppl we have..

Hope you like it and as always love your feed back
MrLSD · 9 hours ago ·
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So happy to get a review from you Goober!! :! i appreciate the input and yes with each new map i make the better i get and with grate mappers like you and the group of guys i have communication with on Disc I'm only going to learn more!

Aww Cheaterjer i cant believe i went from a poo poo map with Vaporwave to a gay map with my new one! im still lacking creativity but I take that as a complement! I apricate you saying I sense greatness on the horizon because i know you can see something in my maps that could make you like one some day pleas keep an eye out for them in the future ill get a 5 star review from you one day :D
Goober · 22 hours ago ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
PRINCE oF DARKNESS is a large-scale DM map with a vaguely gothic/industrial theme. The art style and design reminds me a lot of RF2, though this map is 10x more playable than most RF2 maps. The geometry is admittedly a bit simplistic, but as a style decision it works super well; the harsh angles provide a contrast that makes the smooth pipes stand out quite effectively. The lighting I think is the most impressive part of this map - you really nailed it. On the gameplay side, the item layout is solid, and it's super fun to play - though it does need 10 or so players to really shine.

Great job on this one LSD! It's been incredible to watch your mapping consistently improve with every release over the past month. I'm excited to both play this one at Game Night and see the incredible creations you send our way in the future :!
cheaterjer · 23 hours ago (edited 23 hours ago) ·
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User Rating: 🤔 Neutral...  
Whats the worst part about playing on this map? Telling your parents you are gay. Its like one wholesale club store turned into a gay church. The color scheme seems true to this map maker's style. And, so does the lack of creativity and game play. If you were trying to make a map where two bots will never find each other, you certainly accomplished your goal. Convert this to a speed run map and try again. Don't be discouraged by this review, I sense greatness on the horizon.
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