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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Waste Treatment Plant v2 by NoClanFrank
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Author: NoClanFrank [Search Author]
Uploader: NoClanFrank [View Profile]
RFL Name: dmo3v2.rfl
File Size: 981.6KB
File Type: zip
Added: 09/28/2024
Downloads: 5 (0 In-Game AutoDL)
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It's a version of the original dm03 map known as Waste Treatment Plant. Seems to be Stu_Pidaso go to default map so I decided to change it a bit. There are 2 fusions now, two blue amps, an added rail/room, a room you can go to via a jump pad. The weapons now spawn back in every second, so not having a weapon won't be an issue. There is a bit more. The fragging seems to be a little more intense/faster. My inspiration to redo this map was the water in one of the rooms. There aren't any secrets but these is a little bit of Geo-Mod in certain places. Hopefully it's a little more fun than the original. Please enjoy and thank you for continuing to play Red Faction. Special thanks to Goober [www.factionfiles.com] for keeping the game alive by providing a web site to upload/download maps/files/tools etc... and providing the alternative game tracker [rfgt.factionfiles.com]. Last bu not least to all the people that are still running a server. You know who you are.
cheaterjer · 48 minutes ago ·
User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
Wow, NCF, what a great map! I wish some others would really follow in your footsteps! You really seem to understand the fundamentals of gamesmanship and the need for maps to be playable (not just aesthetically pleasing). Maybe some soft-core posters and even 1 more invul could make it a bit better. Otherwise, fantastic job! Hope to see more from you soon!
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