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FactionFiles :: Files :: Red Faction - Maps - Deathmatch :: Galileo 2 Starliner V1.1 by {DVL} I.A.C
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Author: {DVL} I.A.C [Search Author]
Uploader: dvl_iac [View Profile]
RFL Name: dm_Galileo2Starliner1-1.rflCopy RFL Name
File Size: 101.7MB
File Type: zip
Added: 02/17/2025
Downloads: 13 (10 In-Game AutoDL)
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Welcome to Galileo 2, Ultor’s newest Imperial class Starliner! Explore the solar system in luxury aboard this starship.

I spent about 75 days building this map over the last 3.5 months. It was originally just going to be a small detail for another map I was working on, but it quickly grew into its own map. There is lots to explore, with details around that tie it into the universe created in my last couple maps, as well as hints of what lies ahead for Galileo 2 and the next map in the series.

Changes for Version 1.1:

- Fixed a bug that could have players screens flashing to black a few times, if they ended up getting pulled through a trigger during the all players teleport.
- Added a system that disables all other special events from being triggered while any special event is happening. So there should never be any PA messages overlapping each other, no subtitles clearing each other prematurely, and no 2 gameplay altering things ever happening at the same time. This should hopefully tone down some of the chaos and confusion that could happen at times. :P
- Deleted some lights I had disabled in the cargo bay, which RED decided to render anyway when I wasn't looking and make the upper section too bright.
- Made the boundaries around the hull section of the map bigger, so if you happen to be out there when gravity is turned off, you can still shoot at people while you float away.
- A few other minor tweaks.

There is tons of interactivity in this map, a few important things to be aware of because they can change gameplay:

In Engineering:
- If you destroy the 2 tech tubes next to the fusion core, you will set off a chain reaction that will blow up the core and blow everyone back briefly and send the ship into a tumble.
- If you hit the button on the "Mag-Grav System" computer, you will temporarily turn off gravity for everyone on the ship.
- If you destroy the "Mag-Grav System" computer, you will temporarily turn off gravity for a longer period of time, however everyone now loses the ability to turn it back off going forward.
- If you hit the button on the "Life support" console, you will vent the atmosphere in the ship and start to suffocate everyone, until the atmosphere has a chance to rebuild.
- If you destroy the life support console this ability is disabled.
- If you destroy the teleportation destination select computer, the teleport system will "malfunction" and send everyone on the ship to the mess hall, for a mini battle royale! However everyone now loses the ability to ever use that teleporter again.

On the Bridge:
- On one of the consoles you will find a button to control the speed of the ship, pressing it will temporarily send everyone in one direction depending on if the ship is accelerating or decelerating. However if the fusion core was destroyed this will no longer function.
- Also if this console gets destroyed this ability is disabled.
- There is also another teleport system. Again if you destroy the teleportation destination select computer, the teleport system will "malfunction" and send everyone on the ship to the mess hall, for a mini battle royale. However everyone now loses the ability to ever use that teleporter again. The two teleporters are the only way to access the hull, so once they are both destroyed, that section of the map is no longer in play.

On the Hull:
- Hit your use key at any time to teleport back to the inside of the ship.

In the Mess Hall/Entertainment area:
- Use the buttons on the jukebox to pick a music track or stop the music. There are 3 tracks, the intro track that plays automatically when the map loads, a chiller track that you can select on the jukebox and a heavier track you can select on the jukebox.
- There's a button on the side of the stage to open the shutters on the front of the ship to let the stars shine through.

- There are lots of other small bits of interactivity hidden around the ship, that I'll let you discover on your own.
- There is also PA messages that will come on to warn you when things are happening on the ship.
- Some of the screens around will also update in real time, to reflect the current state of some systems.
- Also just to note, Room 13 is off limits for "renovations", so whatever you do, do not break down the door with an excessive amount of bullets to get inside. You have been warned!

Big thanks to everyone that was able to come out and beta test with me! I came out with a whole page of bugs that needed fixing/things that needed tweaking and some other good suggestions. Hopefully I got them all covered, but there's bound to be more that pop up down the road.

Also thanks to the peeps on the FF discord for helping me all along the way.

Also thanks to Intharth for his "Corpse Asset Pack" (https://www.factionfiles.com/ff.php?action=file&id=7923). I used a bunch of characters from that.

Other Notes:
- This map requires Dash Faction (https://dashfaction.com) or Alpine Faction (https://alpinefaction.com) to run.


- If you have your music volume setting turned all the way down before loading the map, the intro track wont play, even if you turn the setting back up after loading the map. It needs to have some volume prior to loading for the intro music to work. The other tracks on the jukebox should work fine though if you turn up your music volume before selecting them.
- Only the most important things will sync for late joiners, there is a lot of visual things that could end up being different if someone joined late into the game.
MrLSD · Tue 18 Feb 2025, 7:29 ·
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User Rating: 👍 Recommended!  
I was blown away on how great this map looks and feels it's got a little bit of everything from secret dimensions that scared the s#$t out of me to some of the coolest looking Mirrors with a great reflection trick the sunds at some points make me jump out if my seat! Especially when I'm in hell lol great job on this one man it's definitely top notch the only thing I thought it might need is a little more Cowbell! 😅 :lolpup:
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NameDate AddedDownloadsQuick Links
Galileo 2 Starliner V1.1 (newest)02/17/202513[Download] [Install]
Galileo 2 Starliner02/14/202546[Download] [Install]

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