Hey all I'm making this cool too for RFG, heres the blurb:
YFG Is a program that takes the strain out of editing, within a badly-made user interface you can edit lots of variables, the program is still in development so check out the TXT files for instructions. It's quite easy to use and the program will compile all changes and make everything ready, so after the program, you only have to launch RFG!
Please note it may be a little buggy at the moment as its only on the first release, and most variables have yet to be added (but the hard work is done!). Please post any bug reports or suggestions!
Note: Also i'm off away from pc in real life till about monday so may not respond before then to anything, but when i'm back, i'll get right on it!
So to download it check out:
Crinkle Media Blog which is the blog im using for it (i'm website lazy!)
Also i'll upload the final version to FF directly, but dont want to spam-upload versions!
ADDITIONALLY! I'm uploading a Youtube video now to take you through the setup and usage process in one go!